Home > Academics > Academic Units > Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FoE&A) > Electronics and Electrical Communication Engg. > Raja Datta
Network Function Virtualization (NFV) will now replace the proprietary hardware for carrying out the network functionalities. Further NFV framework can increase the flexibility and reduce network CAPEX and OPEX. NFV has to be optimized when this framework is pushed to the domain of Edge Computing. One of my team is working on 5G Edge computing. Quality of Service and Security in IoT is a major research topic I am interested in. One research groups is working in enhancing QoS with regard to the Internet traffic in IoT. Another group is working on sensor networks and the deployment of sensor nodes for critical area surveillance. Privacy preservation in sensor networks with emphasis to habitat monitoring is also researhed uopn. A research group is engaged in developing protocols for Interplanetary delay tolerant networks. The work is sponsored by ISRO. We are developing efficient protocols for Inter Planetary communication. A team is working on developing vehicular networks for 5G. Issues like RSU deployment, routing in V2V and V2X are being carried out. Projects on developing of Transport Layer protocol for wireless ad hoc networks, specifically for use in mobile ad hoc networks and SDR and designing campus networks are carried out by my netowrking team. Development of wireless MAC protocol is another important research topic my students are involved with. We have developed several protocols that enhances the performance of WLAN for multimedia communication. One of my research scholars is working on survivability of WDM networks in multi-domain optical networks. Recently I am also working on advance reservation for dynamic traffic scenario in WDM networks. Another work that we completed is the development of an automatic bridge health monitoring system for Indian Railways. We used wireless sensor networks for monitoring the vibrations of a railway bridge when a loaded train passes over it.
A Resource Sharing Scheme for Intercell D2D Communication in Cellular Networks: A Repeated Game Theoretic Approach by Barik P. K., Shukla A. K., Datta R. , Singhal C. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 7806-7820 (2020)
A Reverse Path-Flow Mechanism for Latency Aware Controller Placement in vSDN Enabled 5G Network by Basu D., Jain A., Ghosh U., Datta R. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 6885-6893 (2021)
MFR- A Max-Flow based Routing for Future Interplanetary Networks by Dhara S., Ghose S. , Datta R. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems - (2022)
A Secure Addressing Scheme for Large Scale Managed MANETs by Ghosh U., Datta R. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 12 483-495 (2015)
An Algorithm for Optimal assignment of a wavelength in a Tree Topology and its Application in WDM networks by Datta R., Mitra B. , Ghose S. , Sengupta I. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication (JSAC) 22 1589-1600 (2004)
Protecting Source Location Privacy in IoT Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks: the Case of Multiple Assets by Raja M., Koduru T. , Datta R. IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 - (2022)
A Novel Approach for Efficient Usage of Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by Marchang N., Datta R. , Das S. K. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 1684-1695 (2017)
Position-independent and Section-based Source Location Privacy Protection in WSN by Mukamanzi F., Raja M. , Koduru T. , Datta R. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics - (2022)
PARS: A Priority Aware Resource Sharing Scheme for Services With Differential QoS Requirements in a B5G Edge Network by Pati P. S., Somu M. , Datta R. , Krishnaswamy D. , Singhal C. IEEE Networking Letters - (2023)
DRIVE: Dynamic Resource Introspection and VNF Embedding for 5G using Machine Learning by Basu D., Kal S. , Ghosh U. , Datta R. IEEE Internet of Things - (2023)
Training, Development and Moodle Support for Technical Teachers through ICT Multiple Internal and Outside Sources
Kaushik Das
Area of Research: Communication networks
Preeti Samhita Pati
Area of Research: Wireless communication and networks
Deborsi Basu
Area of Research: Communication Networks
M Jyothi Kiran
Area of Research: Optical Networks